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Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Bahrain - Al Tamimi & Co.

  • 22 Jan 2018
  • Capital Club Bahrain

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

Bahrain - 22 January 2018 

Al Tamimi & Company is delighted to invite you to an Intellectual Property Seminar in Bahrain on Monday, 22 January 2018.

For many businesses, Intellectual Property protects more than just a concept – it protects the business assets at the very core of  your business services, over a long period of time. Our speakers will provide an overview of Intellectual Property rights relevant to your business, available protection options in relation to patents, copyright and IP licensing, and the value of such protection to your business.


Monday, 22 January 2018


09:00 – 11:15


09:00 – 09:30 - Registration and networking

09:30 – 09:40 - Introduction (Foutoun Hajjar, Partner, Head of Office - Bahrain - Al Tamimi & Company)


09:40 – 10:00 - Overview of recent developments in innovations in the GCC region (Ahmad Saleh, Partner, Head of Patents & Design - Al Tamimi & Company)


10:00 – 10:15 - Overview of recent updates in the Education Sector in the GCC region (Ivor McGettigan, Partner, Head of Education Sector - Al Tamimi & Company)


10:15 – 11:00 - Overview of Intellectual Property protection and key tips for start-ups and entrepreneurs (Ahmad Saleh, Partner, Head of Patents & Design - Al Tamimi & Company)


11:00 – 11:15 - Q&A session


Capital Club, Bahrain

As proud exclusive legal partners of the Rowad Program which provides entrepreneurs with the right tools, training, incubation and financial support in order to foster and grow diverse start-ups and SME’s in Bahrain, Al Tamimi & Company is pleased to welcome Rowad as our partner at this event.

for more information & registration click here


1st Floor, Office 111 
Building 256, Road 2705, Block 327

Adliya - Kingdom of Bahrain


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